“Your bust is 105cm and waist is 95cm. The effect of wearing this wedding dress is probably like this. The truth is that, the visual effect will be worse than the picture. Because I revised the drawing on the basis of the original photo. The shoulders of the model are not as strong as yours. In fact, your shoulders are much thicker than the model and your arms are much thicker and stranger than the model. So imagine the effect that you wearing this wedding dress.”你的胸围是105厘米,腰围是95厘米,穿上这款婚纱的效果大概是这样的。在现实中,视觉效果会比图片还难看。因为我是在原图的基础上修的图,模特的肩膀没有你那么粗壮。实际上,你的肩膀比模特厚得多,胳膊也粗得多。所以,想象一下你穿上这件婚纱的样子。为了避免客户过于伤心,我又发了另外一个张图,告诉她“苹果形”身材和“梨形”身材的不同,以及这两种身材所适应的婚纱款式。